6 / 4 / 2018E&M Young Ambassador Annual Gathering

On April 5th, EMSD organized the first “E&M Young Ambassador Annual Gathering” to express our gratitude to EMYA members for their active participation in our activities and their support to EMSD over the past years. The event attracted a total of more than 150 participants, including our EMYA members, their relatives and friends. It was a fantastic gathering for us to review the wonderful memories throughout the past years and to look into the future development of EMYA programme.

The Annual Gathering started by the welcome speech delivered by Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Mr. Alfred Sit. He shared with fellow young ambassadors his previous working experiences in the electrical and mechanical industry, and encouraged those who are interested in entering this field to keep their effort for the opportunities ahead. Following the welcome speech, our engineer Mr. Leo Wong reported to the ambassadors the past activities and introduced the future development goals of the EMYA programme. We also played the EMSD 70th anniversary video “Enchanted Moment” for the audience and everyone has gained more understanding of EMSD history and its work after watching the video.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of EMSD, we organized the "EM70 Poster Design Competition" and invited our young ambassadors to join this meaningful competition. During the gathering, our Director presented certificates and prizes to all winners. After the prize presentation ceremony, we also invited the winning teams of the “Gerontech Youth Challenge.” and their teachers to participant in a sharing session, which was a golden opportunity for them to share with other young ambassadors the creative ideas and inspirations behind their award-winning entries. Our Director greatly appreciated the creativity of the winning teams as well as their caring heart for the elderly. He also encouraged students to seize each and every opportunity to work in the E&M industry so as to contribute to our community.

After the formal gathering, we arranged a game session "E&M Orienteering" for our ambassadors. They had to look for various green facilities in the EMSD headquarter according to the hints given and answer the questions posted in the corresponding locations. This game gave all participants an opportunity to explore the energy-saving facilities all around the EMSD headquarter, which has deepened their understanding of our Department.

With our ambassadors successfully answered the questions and received a variety of souvenirs, the event ended with everyone in high spirits. The photos of the event can be viewed here.

The winners of E&M 70th Anniversary Poster Competition are as follow::


